Saturday, June 2, 2007

Text Blog Entry Seven - Diploma Trip

Last year during the Christmas Holiday , I had a nice trip . My wife and I visited Rotorua for two days . This was the fist long driving for me . So I prepared it carefully beforehand . Firstly , I get a map about the journey route and make sure to choose the right way . Secondly , I booked a motel over the phone . Then we got up very early on the next morning , around five o'clock and stepped on the way . The weather was so nice because there is not even a tiny cloud in the sky . Golden sunlight's pouring upon us from the rising sun ,Listening to the music while I was driving , I had never seen such a beatiful landscape in the countryside . Not mention how happy I was feeling .

We took a short break at Hamilton and then carried on our trip . It took us about three hours to get there . When we were cheching in the accommodation the receptionist of the motel told us about the good sights in Rotorua , where was good ,where we should go and how much money we would spend . We took some brochrues from the reception and made a good arrangment . One of the decision was that we would visit the Mori village .

Around at half past four o’clock , the guide came over . He drove a shuttle and picked us up at motel . The guide himself was a Mori . He introduced the culture and custom of the Mori briefly and told us we should respect their life style , not to laughted at their ceremony . Lastly he taught a Mori word before we entered into the village. KeYaoTa---a greeting word . Then we were going to see a performance before long .

The show was excellent . Almost all the actors in the village were tattooed ,stretching their tongues outside of their mouths ,openning their eyes widely . Very funny .The village looked like that of Indian in America in the early ages . We walked around in the village everywhere , and took some photoes . Before leaving , we enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by the geothemal heat .

The next day we visited a couple of sights like Taupo volcano , mud pools . some beautiful lakes etc . We didn't leave unitl 3pm that afternoon .

I think this was a really unforgettable journey . I realy love the beautiful nature , the nature in New Zealand .

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