Monday, April 23, 2007

Differences in manners between NZ & China

Holidays are usually happy time for a busy person . I accompanied my wife to go shopping. She want to buy some clothes. To our surprise , it’s really hard to find ideal one for her .It turn out that the dress style here is really different from that in China. She had no choice but sent email to my sister-in-law to ask for help . Now ,I have already lived here near two and a half years . I discovered that living manners between NZ and China are really different . For example , a Kiwi friend invited my wife and I for dinner , when we left home ,we should bring some food or drink with us . In China ,the people invited just go with their mouths. The interest thing is that Kiwi food cooks really fast, even for 20 or 30 people. In China ,it would take long time ,even prepare it a couple days ahead of dinner time . Another thing caught my sight is the marriage, many of the couples are partners. They keep their own money respectively,if one pay the food ,electricity or water fees, the other pay rental . Financially independent. In China ,the couples put their incomes together. Enjoy it together.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

About Union

Last year I worked in Cadbury Confectionary Manufacturer for about ten months.I saw that the union members of this company held a couple of meetings to discuss about over-hours rates of their pay.I didn't understand what the union was and what its funtion was as well.On 3rd April,I attended a class about 'union'.Now I understood it more and more. First of all,a union is a association that workers orgnized voluntarily,or ,to further their mutual interests with respect to wages,hours,working conditions and other matters of interest to the workers.You can choose if you want to join.Secondly,unions have traditionally negotiated with employers about pay rates,hours of work and working conditions such as holidays sick pay,safe & healthy workplaces etc.Thirdly,employers have no rights to choose the union leader,instead the leader is elected by the union members.Finally,the union may decide to go on a strik if collective agreement has expired when negotiating a new CA must give resonable notice.There are about 330000 New Zealanders belong to a union,51.5 percent of them are women.

Monday, April 2, 2007

About me

Hi everyone

My name is Raymond and I am from Shenyang city in the North-East of China. I used to be a teacher and I taught Mechanism and Engineer drawing. I moved to New Zealand in September,2004. I hope I can become a teacher again. But English is a big problem for me. Now I am learning English at Unitec. I really hope my speaking and listening will improve greatly very soon. My interests are a little extensive . I like to talk about politics , histories, cultures from different nations etc. I also like to take part in community activities.

My maxim is
If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. -Thomas Edison

Buddy, encourage each other.