Sunday, June 24, 2007

Domestic Headlines

I heard the news from recorder in the computer lap on 30/04/07.

Let’s look what’s on the pages of the paper on the New Zealand Herald leads with new drug trial offering hope to woman with history of miscarriages … paper also reports climate changing experts and an environmentalist will clash over proposals to fight global warming

Pronunciation features :
  1. consonant to vowel linking - "and environmentalists"
  2. weak pronunciation - " leads with "
  3. weak pronunciation - " to woman "

Film Review—Duplex

Tragedy hides under comedy . Do you believe this words . Duplex is just the one of the comedies . Famous stars Ben Stiller , who acts Alex , and Eileen Essel , who acts Nancy , are protagonists in this movie , which released in 2003 , directed by Danny DeVito .

In terms of living the American Dream, Alex and Nancy have it pretty good. They are a young, vibrant couple in New York City with bright futures ahead of them . But one thing is missing : a home of their own . When they find one , it comes with one feature they didn't expect -- an upstairs tenant , Mrs. Connelly , who lives in a rent-controlled apartment , and who isn't quite as easy-going or frail as Alex and Nancy originally anticipated . As their blissful life begins to seriously fray around the edges , their dream home rapidly turns into a nightmare and they decide that they must get Mrs. Connelly out of their lives.

Definitely , the performance skills and quality are no problem . Mrs. Connelly is troublesome lady , is exaggerated in the film . Director through a serious of annoying scenario makes audience sympathizes the poor couple . When the couple are pushed into corner , cannot stand any more , they hire a killer and attempt to kill Mrs. Connelly . Audience , however , worry about the safty of the bothersome lady . Mrs. Connelly seems to know the day is coming and fully prepares for that in advance . Finally , the killer is injured and escapes in a horror .

Who believe such story does exist in reality ? Maybe the dramatist collects many similar stories and combines them together . The purpose is for fun . Such a comedy usally accompanys by grief . Some people don't like this sort of humor , but the movie is good , worth to watch.

Summary of a Book —Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre ,protagonist in this novel , is an orphan as an infant . She lives with her aunt Sarah Reed after her parents passed away . Reed's family don't welcome her . She often suffers discrimination and abuse from them . After a big conflict with his brother, one of the cousins . She is sent to a Red Room , where her kind Uncle Reed died . The torture on body and spirit makes her very ill . She wants to reconcile with aunt Reed , but in vain . Later , she is sent to an orphanage , Lowood School.

The life in Lowood School is still tough .The rector, Mr. Brocklehu , in this orphanage is a hypocrite . Despite the difficult conditions at Lowood , Jane prefers school to life with the Reeds . Here she makes two new friends: Miss Temple and Helen Burns. From Miss Temple, Jane learns proper ladylike behavior and compassion; from Helen she gains a more spiritual focus . The poor conditions and stale food in Lowood make many students die , including Helen Burns, who dies in Jane's arms. She takes two years of teaching at Lowood after she graduates there . Being tired of living in orphanage . She finds a new job by advertisement . The employer , Mrs. Fairfax , the housekeeper at Thornfield, near Millcote, who is seeking a governess for a ten-year old girl. Jane accepts the it .

The new place is comfortable and she is welcome there . Nevertheless , life isn't peaceful yet . By occasion , She meets a man , Edward Fairfax Rochester, the owner of Thornfield, who is a dark-haired, moody man in his late thirties. Jane also discovers that Thornfield harbors a secret. From time to time, she hears strange, maniacal laughter coming from the third story .
With the frequently contacts , she gradually loves Rochester . One day , Jane is waken up from her dream by the horrible laughter . She discovers Rochester's room are on fire. She wakes him up and puts out the fire .

Rochester often hold party at home , he ever pursued Mrs Blanche Ingram , a beautiful lady. Of course , Jane is jealous for that . She found she does love Rocheste . In fact Rocheste loves her too . He just wonder whether Jane loves him too. When he courts Jane , Jane happily accepts his request .

Before the night of wedding , Jane sees a resentful woman is trying her wedding dress . The second day , when the wedding is on the half way , a man shows the evidence to prove their marriage is invalid . Because Rocheste's previous wife is alive . She is the lady ,who is insane , often makes maniacal laughter , has been locked in third story . After that Jane sneaks away in a bleak raining night . Hardship life tears her cruelly . Soon she meets St. John Rivers, a clergyman , they become friends . John offers her a job as schoolmistress for the poor girls in his parish at Morton.

One day, St. John learns that Jane has inherited 20,000 pounds from her uncle, John Eyre. Furthermore, she discovers that St. John's real name is St. John Eyre Rivers , so he , his sisters, and Jane are cousins. But John is enthusiastic religiosity . He wants Jane marries him and go to India with him for gospel . Jane doesn't promise him . She returns to Rochester .
When she comes back Thornfield ,everything is changed . The house is burnt , that insane woman died , Rochester is injured and becomes disability . But Jane marries him .They get their desirable life in the end .

Monday, June 18, 2007

Narrative Article

To fly like a bird is some people's favour sport . The article of "Northland town all a flutter over inaugural birdman competition" is about this sort of funny things . Russell townsfolk are alling for any brave, eccentric or barmy people with Superman or Wonder Woman qualities to take flight from their local wharf. The challengers have to make a set of wings and launch themselves into sky and hover over the sea . The organizer set some rules and prizes for the winners . Activity is funny and challenging . Maybe it brings some profit , after all it's a new thing . In this article , present tense , past tense , future tense , as well as present perfect sense are be used . Because this article describe a plan for future , a preparation in the past , the current circumstances as well .

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Text Blog Entry Seven - Diploma Trip

Last year during the Christmas Holiday , I had a nice trip . My wife and I visited Rotorua for two days . This was the fist long driving for me . So I prepared it carefully beforehand . Firstly , I get a map about the journey route and make sure to choose the right way . Secondly , I booked a motel over the phone . Then we got up very early on the next morning , around five o'clock and stepped on the way . The weather was so nice because there is not even a tiny cloud in the sky . Golden sunlight's pouring upon us from the rising sun ,Listening to the music while I was driving , I had never seen such a beatiful landscape in the countryside . Not mention how happy I was feeling .

We took a short break at Hamilton and then carried on our trip . It took us about three hours to get there . When we were cheching in the accommodation the receptionist of the motel told us about the good sights in Rotorua , where was good ,where we should go and how much money we would spend . We took some brochrues from the reception and made a good arrangment . One of the decision was that we would visit the Mori village .

Around at half past four o’clock , the guide came over . He drove a shuttle and picked us up at motel . The guide himself was a Mori . He introduced the culture and custom of the Mori briefly and told us we should respect their life style , not to laughted at their ceremony . Lastly he taught a Mori word before we entered into the village. KeYaoTa---a greeting word . Then we were going to see a performance before long .

The show was excellent . Almost all the actors in the village were tattooed ,stretching their tongues outside of their mouths ,openning their eyes widely . Very funny .The village looked like that of Indian in America in the early ages . We walked around in the village everywhere , and took some photoes . Before leaving , we enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by the geothemal heat .

The next day we visited a couple of sights like Taupo volcano , mud pools . some beautiful lakes etc . We didn't leave unitl 3pm that afternoon .

I think this was a really unforgettable journey . I realy love the beautiful nature , the nature in New Zealand .

Week Ten Text Blog Post Entry Eight - An article about my country in the international press

'It's our turn to enjoy economic growth' . This article caught my eyes by the quotation mark ' ' . That means there is something nagetive behind it . After having read it , I did have no mood to enjoy the 'economic growth' . As a Chinese , of course , I love my country deeply and wish she is powerful , wealthy and harmonious . As a matter of fact , things are not so simple .

The author blamed China emitted vast of carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere every year . Greenhouse effect causes the rising of the temperature every year . America , China and India are the main countries of the polluters on our planet . The rapid development of economy in China need more power plants which are being driven by the energy through burning enormous amount of coal everyday . The increasing vehicles on the roads consumes millions tons of fuels as well . ......

Ok , these things are the facts undoubtedly . Even China himself is the victim of the deteriorated environment . Acturally , blame is useless . If put your feet on China's position . What would you do ? Stop production immediately ? Make people backwards to the poor and starved state decades of years ago ? It's not realistic . The government has already realized that . Every year the government invests huge money to improve that . Don't you think Chinese wants to live in a wonderful natural environment like that in New Zealand ? It takes time . Pray for them , Please .

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Week Six summarising the article

This article mainly talks about the traffic safety .The author points out the defect of traffic system after a couple of traffic accidents between buses and human , and suggest that some road rules should be promoted to guarantee the safty of pedestrians and cyclists . For example , the buses speed should be limited in some special area , set up special lanes for buses in some bus lines etc . One more thing is that the amount of vehicles is increasing everyday . So more public transportation should be introduced so as to let more people take buses instead of driving their cars .

past simple and past passive
Union president Gary Froggatt first suggested the lower limit last month, after a pedestrian was killed in a bus lane in Dominion Rd.
present perfect simple
Plans to extend Auckland City's network of bus lanes deep into Remuera have prompted a renewed call for extra safety rules to protect pedestrians and other road users.
past perfect simple
...there had been very few accidents involving buses in the lanes, apart from...
present simple
The city council wants to add 5km of bus lanes along Remuera and St Johns Roads to its 26km .
present continuous
I'm talking about when cars are bumper to bumper in the middle of the road,....